We had a wonderful time and walked and talked and walked and talked and walked and talked. We re-discovered the power of walking. In fact we have decided to write a book on walking, something along the lines of On The Loose:
Clearly we are still in the developmental stages of this and need to walk some more. Someone reflected that it looked like I would love to have a career based on walking and being outside. I had to laugh, because of course my first major was Forestry, which I switched out of into Geology. Walking outside. What a wonderful way to spend the day.
And yet, do we wake up in the morning and find that our soul is still in our body and that those we love are still on the planet and whisper "I don't deserve this blessing" with a sense of awe? Are we amazed that we have been gifted with sunsets and ocean waves, and safe airplane flights, and un-tainted food, and clean water and on and on?
We decided to commit to this. To blessings and laughter....and walking.
I am so glad for all of you that you got this very special time together. Yes, blessings and laughter. Instead of "Ain't it Awful" we should all say "Ain't it Wonderful!" I am blessed to have such friends. Thank you.