Friday, August 17, 2012

Ric's Shofar

Today is Rosh Chodesh, the head of the month, of Elul in the Jewish calendar. The months are marked by the appearance of the new moon in the sky and symbolizes renewal. Rosh Chodesh is a monthly holiday gifted to the Jewish women at Sinai as a reward for not participating in the building of the golden calf. The text tells us the men took the golden earrings from their wives and daughters, but the women did not run to join in. For their faith in G-d, women were given the holiday of spiritual renewal each month.

After Moses came down the mountain and dealt with the golden cafe debacle, he had to hike by up the mountain for a second set of laws, which we Jewishly call the ten utterances (by our count there are 613 commandments in the Torah). So Moses trudges back up the mountain for yet another 40 days. This time the people decide to stay a bit more focused on what is going on at the top of the mountain. So everyday day the shofar was blown to keep the people focused on G-d.

Fast forward a few thousand years to Rosh Chodesh of Elul and Ric. It is traditional for the shofar to be blown everyday from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New year. And of course Ric wanted a shofar. A bit one. A loud one. I bought him one last year after he converted and he has been practicing.

The sound is something between that of a dying animal and an ecstatic call to battle. You can probably imagine where Ric is in this spectrum.

Let me add that this is a kosher shofar from a large ram, who left his mark, or smell, in the shofar. So the sound is loud and odoriferous at the same time. The newfy is very interested in the smell, and very concerned and offended by the sound. Clearly a love hate relationship in the making. She would love to eat the shofar so that Ric cannot make that hateful sound.

I am sure there is some tale about a newlywed couple hearing the shofar. In biblical times the  shofar was blown to announced important events such as a call to worship or a wedding or a war, or even a peace accord. So perhaps as we listen to the dying animal each day....I meant the shofar blasts....we are being reminded of our significant event. Or perhaps is it a way for us to enter the month of Elul, the month of reflection, redemption and renewal as a couple rather than individuals. Then again, perhaps it is an exercise in patience.


  1. Ric still sounds like a dying animal on the shofar

  2. Hi! You have to move out here. Many women wear beautiful hats and scarfs . They also wear jeans at the same time. It all depends on what you feel comfortable with. I wear dresses with tights underneath. I don't feel comfortable in a knee lenght dress alone. Going spirtal is a good thing. Rhea also is,and after everything I have been through I totaly understand. Love You!


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