Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day one dress hunting

     My Mom flew in on Friday to start the hunt. I had scoped out four stores in Denver. One mega store, one warehouse and two resale shops. They all had potential. If you are looking for dresses for your wedding, but sure to check out the resale shops. They have amazing deals, and dresses can be altered if you find something close to what you want.
     Of course I had watched the "Say Yes to the Dress" shows and loved all the high end gowns. But I also have a sense of reality. I do not expect that "magic" dress moment. I do not expect to spend thousands on a dress. Besides, I need something that could adapt to all seasons, all places, and all adventures. I need...a dress for all seasons...great title for a book. And I do not have time to order the dress. I have to find something that I can wear this summer. 
     So we went hunting. 
     The first place was great fun. Lots of reminded us of a Alice in Wonderland setting. I tried on dresses that I had picked out online with a "destination" them. Chiffon. A bit of ruching. Lots of white
So many reflections of myself, Ric, and my Mom, 
and so much white. But nothing great
Nothing me.

And then this wonderful consultant followed her 
instincts and pulled a dress I never thought of...
a mermaid style.

OK, if you have known me for over a week you know
that I love one thing, and have loved one thing
since I was five....mermaids.

Adore, write about, dream about and collect.

But did it occur to me to try on a mermaid dress...
of course not. In fact, I was not sure that I even wanted to try it on. 

By this time we are all laughing and joking and having a wild good time. So why not try on a dress that was not what I wanted.

Why not try on something
snug and form fitting
and lovely and......
fit for a mermaid?

 Why not try on something
that is clingy and 
lovely and soft?

Why not try on something
that will adapt?

Why not be a mermaid?

We have another place to visit tomorrow.
But now, after hours of 
laughter, it is home for Shabbat.

To be continued. 


Filling my soul and scaring myself wild

Death is actually a pretty permanent state, just in case you have not noticed. That probably sounds profoundly silly, but there is ...