Monday, July 1, 2013

walking into connection

The walking trip started with a road trip. We drove from San Diego to Santa Cruz stopping at fun places along the way. Of course, given what my life has looked like recently, I was online for half the trip making plane and packing reservations from the road. My Mom is moving to Denver at the end of the month, so there are many plans to make.
We stopped in Paso Robles and had coffee at a great little coffee shop. They were playing one of my favorite songs and had my favorite quote on the wall. Great start. 
After many more hours of driving we arrived at the Dream Inn, Santa Cruz. The fog was in, but we could still see the pier...and hear the sea. Our room had windows that opened over the shore and I fell asleep to the sound of the waves. I woke and feel back asleep, my dreams rocking to the rhythm of the sea. 
The next four days were magical. We woke every morning to the sound of the sea, packed our suitcases ate breakfast and headed off on our walk. The first day was foggy drizzle, but we did not notice. We were too busy walking and talking and walking. Just walking.
Day three found us in Moss landing. A place that clearly honors mer-people, and the home of the largest  group of endangered southern sea otters.

After two days spent outside walking along the sea changed how the world felt...or rather how I felt in the world. I belonged outside, i was part of the world, part of the estuary, part of the tide and the storms and the sand. I felt connected to the world around me, sensing the weather and the movement of the sea creatures. For the first time I looked up at exactly the right moment to see a pod of porpoises, a pair of running dear, and otter mother and baby. I was not a human on the inside looking out. I was outside in the world and part of it

Our room even reflected this. The boat was build on a sailboat, wrapped with a jib sail and furnished with objects from various ships. Our windows looked over the estuary and we heard the otters and birds singing each other to sleep. The lullaby worked on us, and we dreamed of ships and seas and pirates and mermaids. 
Then we awoke and walked again.

Gotta love a town that has a plastic horse running the mayors office!

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