Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Back to the past

I do know that the planet Mercury has gone direct. In fact, I know for a fact that it never moved backwards, it just appeared to do so in the night sky and in my astrological chart. So why is my life still in retrograde? 

This past month I was suddenly contacted by a few of the (now) women from elementary school. They started a facebook page, posted class pictures, listed all the names, and are planning a reunion. They posted pictures with my fat frizzy haired likeness standing in the top row. Pictures that I tossed when I found them in my mother's move mess...the boxes that came back from the mojave desert. She would never know and I would never have to see them again. 

Trust me....when we were packing I was tempted, but I did not toss any of the photos. But then there were those two days of sorting through boxes in the storage unit...and all those all pictures of the young me. In the heat and dirt of the day the pictures looked even worse than I remembered...and they hit the trash.

But now, they appear on facebook. And the women who used to tease the chubby frizzy me, want a reunion to celebrate friendship. Hmm. Must be a retrograde. In all the years that I visited my Mom in the house that I grew up in, I NEVER ran into anyone from my K-12 years. EVER. The weekend before we moved her I connected with my best friend from high school who I had not seen since I was 18. And now women I have not seen since middle school when I skipped a grade. 

I am no longer that awkward child who felt deeply, craved madly, and who found no outlet of expression, who found no solace at school and wished to be someone her heart told her she could be. What saved her? Her piano and her books on spirituality and the stories she wrote. So maybe this is not an invasion from the past, but an invitation to visit what was deep within be continued. 

And no...I will not post those pictures...only pictures of who I have become.

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