Sunday, September 22, 2013

The mermaid gift...much like a sukkah

What is the true mermaid gift? It is the ability to stay fluid in a world of dichotomies.

Fluidity between dichotomies.

The ability to have a hand in both worlds, to see the many sides of a situation and flow between them. To move from paradox to paradox to paradox, and still have faith in the consistency of the sea. To know that speaking the truth is powerful, but knowing how to speak it in a way that is heard is even more powerful. Knowing that success is something to enjoy, and then move beyond. That true greatness come from sharing our gifts so that others around us surpass us as we joyfully celebrate their success.

And then we swim on to the next adventure.

Life is not predictable, nor was it ever meant to be. It was meant to be embraced and explored and celebrated and experienced, while laughing and crying and shouting and finding silence. The tides rise and fall to remind us that there is a consistency in the changes around us. Mermaids know this and stay fluid in the paradoxical world of dichotomies. 

How is this like a Sukkah?

We sit in a "booth" with three sides and a roof open to the sky and thank G-d for safety and protection. We sit in the world, open to all types of weather, and rejoice in the freedom we have to move from place to place and harvest what we have planted. We are nomadic and rooted. We are exposed and protected. We are in transition from one season to the next. Maybe we are mermaids! 

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