but have not been back for years. Expect for the past

The surprise continued the next day at a local winery. OK...call me a Cali girl...but I had no idea that there was wine in Missouri.
I also had no idea how many ways I could be related to people in St Louis. OK...I have been discovering this over the past several years, but it still amazes me.
It amazes me even more how similar we are. There are shared values and shared problems. We have different backgrounds, but in many ways similar experiences. We have started in different places and face different challenges, and even have made different choices, but there seems to be a connection. Perhaps simply the focus on those we love.
And on fun. I am not sure how this wild mixture of

Even in the middle of a serious conversation there was laughter. I wonder it that is part of what has kept the Jewish people alive and connected...laughter in the face of all serious issues.
The weekly parsha (torah reading) was about Korach, the man who lead a rebellion against Moses. The story captures the sense of heaviness that many of the Israelites must have felt as they camped in the desert. But I have to wonder...was everyone grumpy? How could they have survived?

a group of comics...a family that laughed over everything and made jokes with each other about the manna and the sand and the heat. Maybe these were vintners who carried grapes and manged to make wine while in camp. There had to be one family who through a party each week, complete with some sort of pot luck and group game.
And there had to be a few stand up comics, or playwrights who turn

People do ask me if Jews are an ethnic group or a race, or what. The answer is that we are a family, one that creates events and opportunities for laughter.
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