On the final day of sailing I felt comfortable enough and courageous enough to skipper the boat dressed in white. I pulled on my mermaid wedding dress and celebrated facing my fears and embracing my dream.
Wow, who knew a wedding dress could be so motivating? Would I have planned so many adventures this year if I did not have a wedding dress to travel with? Maybe that is all we need, an inspiration.
I had a friend who climbed mountains with a pink plastic flamingo. She took pictures of "pink" in wonderful places and scary places. My friend said that she was never alone, since pink was always at her side. This sounds like the imaginary dog I had as in Arizona and in Santa Barbara....my imaginary protector who traveled everywhere with me. Her name was Shiloh and she was very large. Hmm, I see a pattern here.
So my parsha is about traveling, but not alone. It is about each of us traveling in a group, a community, with friends and support. We each have to be brave enough to take our own steps forward, to walk into the sea as it splits, to leave our own narrow place behind. But we are surrounded by others who are facing their own fears and taking their own steps. Where I am brave, my friend might be fearful. Together we can step forward.
Miriam danced at the edge of the sea, but she was surrounded by other women. She lead them in song, but they joined it. Maybe this is the way to build our inner adventuress, to set her free to follow her dreams. We need something that inspires us and helps us realize that we are not alone. It can be a pink flamingo or a mermaid wedding dress or a favorite teddy bear or a good book, or maybe a bucket list.
We are such interesting creatures, full of dreams fueled by an unquenchable curiosity. At the same time we have brains wired to prevent loss and to protect ourselves. We long for freedom and we build community. We are clearly dichotomous and paradoxical beings.
And that is part of the story of Bo, my parsha. We crave freedom and are fearful of choosing it. We will fight to go, but then must be told it is time to leave. We wish to fly but must be pushed out of the nest. Even when we suspect that the reward is larger and more powerful than we can imagine.
So what do you need to inspire and motivate you? I have wedding dress and a parsha. And the wind in my hair and the sound of the sails. Oh...and a few mermaid friends.